Children playing with toys


View Our Programs

We strive to provide a preschool experience that offers a warm and accepting environment by using methods that are based on a proper understanding of child development. Our curriculum is based on the State of Ohio's Early Learning Content Standards as established by the Ohio Department of Education.

The Preschool is working to strengthen our connection to Powell United Methodist Church. The connection between our preschool and church allows us to mutually support and encourage each other's work.

We provide a monthly program called "Reading with Ms. Rebecca". Rebecca Brownlee is the Director of Children's Ministry at PUMC. She meets with our preschool classes in the sanctuary once a month to share a faith-based story, In the children's time with Ms. Rebecca, she encourages character development and aims to make sure all children know how they are loved by God.

Our Preschool families are always welcome to take part in the Children's Ministry programs offered by Powell UM Church. We will share information about Children's Ministry programming that may be of interest to your family. We are excited to invite our preschool families to Vacation Bible School and other special family programs throughout the year such as the Fall Family Festival, Casual Christmas and Easter Programs.

It is an exciting time at the preschool and to have these wonderful opportunities is exciting.

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